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Parkview Daycare

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Common Family Questions


Is my family eligible for a child care subsidy?

Parkview Day Care has a subsidy agreement with the County of Wellington.  Families may be eligible for a subsidized spot based on their children’s needs and family income.  To find out more, contact the County of Wellington https://www.wellington.ca/en/social-services/cey-feesubsidy.aspx

What is the centre’s philosophy of care and education for young children?

We see children as active participants in their environments, who are by nature, problem solvers. We view children as competent, active, curious and capable learners rich in potential. We support play-based learning in which children have the opportunity to explore and interact with the indoor and outdoor environments. Programming is based on the knowledge that children's growth follows a development sequence that is universal, but that within that sequence, each child proceeds at different rates and in unique ways.

Who are the people that work in the centre?  What are their qualifications?  How are they trained to protect the health and safety of young children in their care?

The primary care providers are those with a diploma or degree in Early Childhood Education and are legally referred to as Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs).  These individuals must be members in good standing with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators.  The centre also employs a number of support staff including the centre Cook.  

Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years is detailed in two documents available from the Ministry of Education:

Early Learning Framework (ELF) and How Does Learning Happen? This pedagogy incorporates the most current understanding of the significance of the first 5 years of life in wiring the brain for success in later life.

What law governs the operation of child care centres In the Province of Ontario?

In Ontario, child care providers must follow the rules set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) and its regulations. The act helps ensure the health and safety of children and child care providers in licensed child care settings.